Year of October Concert Poster

Year of October concert poster art

Year of October | Nashville, TN

Year of October is a blues rock band based in Nashville, TN. I designed this 11×17″ concert poster art for a show with my band at the time Analog Apostles. The gig took place at the now defunct Natasha’s Bistro and Bar here in Lexington, KY. I had a lot of fun incorporating both of my passions, graphic design and music, into this composition.

Concert poster art design story

I themed the poster around a vintage Fender silverface tube guitar amp, which is similar to the 1978 Fender Twin Reverb I once owned. First of all, I replaced the Fender logo over the speaker grill cloth with the Apostles’ “A” insignia. I added a shiny chrome effect and embossed it to mimic the original element.

I also Photoshopped out the blue amp model name, and then replaced it with the words “Rockin’ Show” in a similar font. Guitar gearheads appreciated the attention to detail I added to this concert poster art.

As for the text, I used a sans serif font in turquoise for the band names, while choosing a fat script colored orange for the other information. The band name titles are colored similar to the amp name, and also use the same font. I “underlined” both bands’ names with sets of unrolled guitar cables. The orange script almost has a neon signage feel.

Finally, I overlaid a set of vacuum tubes on top of the amp schematic drawing in the background. I changed their colors to black and white to make the colors in the forefront pop. That is why these images come together to make the perfect background arrangement. I almost hid them in effect, but if you take the time to examine them, they really add to the whole package.

Contact me to design the poster for your next event

Do you have a big show coming up? You want to fill up the venue, right? Then you need concert poster art that stands out! Contact me today.