
Skate Punk Concert Poster Design

Skunch | Lexington, KY

My band Sempervivi had to take long hiatus from playing out, due to me breaking two fingers in 2023. Since we could not perform live, I was not designing any flyers for shows. I got back in the game big time with this punk concert poster design, for our gig at the Euclid Avenue institution, The Fishtank.

Punk Concert Poster Design for Lexington, Kentucky Bands

I went into this project with intention of making it portfolio worthy. Also, I decided to try something new. This is the first print design I drew completely using the Procreate app on my iPad. I knew from the jump that I wanted to depict a skeleton performing a skateboard trick. What could be more punk rock than that?

After selecting the perfect skate trick photo to model from, I experimented with a few different pens and brushes. I outlined the skateboarder’s body, then studied images of skulls and bones to complete the skeleton figure. After sketching out the board and the skatepark, the black outlines were complete.

I then hand drew the text, listing out the show information. Rather than just copy and paste the band logos, I freehanded them in order to continue the “DIY” feel of the punk concert poster design.

Color And Finishing Touches

Once I was finished with drawing the black outlines, I imported them into Photoshop to complete the flyer. I employed a few more brushes and effects to color it in. The show date is warped into an arch at the top, colored in with a green to yellow to green gradient effect. I repeated that gradient on the skate deck, then added “stickers” referencing each of the bands to it. A “grunge” eraser brush gave the appearance of scuffs on the deck, as well as rips and fading on the stickers themselves.

After coloring in all of the foreground elements, I used a sponge brush and a few gradient and overlay effects for the cloudy sunset. I also blended the brush in faintly with the faded concrete of the skatepark, creating a watercolor feel. The outlines of the skatepark stayed lighter than the foreground elements, adding further depth.

Once I had colored in all of the elements, I felt like something was missing. I added some black splatters to the top and bottom of the punk concert poster design, which added weight and helped the show information stand out.

Do You Need a Punk Concert Poster Design? Contact Me!

If you can’t do it yourself, don’t worry. I’m your guy. Promote your big show with a punk concert poster design by the premier graphic designer in Kentucky. Holler at me.

Pedestrians Kentucky Blues Concert Poster

Pedestryans | Lexington, KY

Here’s a retro concert poster that I designed for a 2022 show at Lynagh’s Irish Pub in Lexington. My friend Destry is a classy lady who sings and plays bass guitar in the blues based alternative rock band Pedestryans. Her selfie game is on point, and she often rocks a variety of vintage styles. Featuring a classic 1950s style pin up girl would fit perfectly.

Retro Concert Poster Story

When I chose the vintage style pin up girl photo from my extensive stock image collection, I knew that I wanted to bathe it in an aqua blue tint. I overlaid the whole image with a wavy “static” pattern, so as to imitate vintage TV interference. Also, I envisioned wrapping the band names around the black vinyl record that she is holding. The bright pink and orange hues of the names help them stand out over the wax circle.

For the date at the top, I manually jumbled the letters in order to give it a retro, playful feel. I also jumbled the letters at the bottom of the page that spell out the venue name. The bright yellow date is encased in a typical 50’s “futuristic” style black curved shape. I then added a subtle gradient that fades the aqua blue to purple at the bottom in order to highlight “At Lynagh’s”. Other event information floats to the left and right of the pin up girl in black. Every retro concert poster needs a wave warp effect. I added this element in order to give it some movement and also to increase the kitsch factor.

I’m the poster designer you’ve been looking for!

Are you holding an event that would benefit from a retro concert poster design? I love incorporating vintage 1950s elements into promotional ads! Contact me today to get started.

Thistle Cottage Spring 2015 Victorian Tea Poster Design

Muhlenberg County Public Libraries / Greenville, KY

For the second year running, MCPL once again hired me to make their annual Victorian Tea poster design. I started by laying this design out in the large kiosk size. Then, I resized the art into several smaller formats. Half page newspaper ads were the smallest size.

Thistle Cottage holds their annual Victorian Tea in downtown Greenville, Kentucky. The party is a Victorian themed event where both mothers and daughters dress up and enjoy a traditional tea party. It is a popular event where local families can go back to experience a simpler time in history that their ancestors once knew. The air of nostalgia brings little girls’ tea parties to life. Servers and staff also dress in period attire. An elegant event such as this called for an equally classy poster design.

Victorian Tea Poster Design in Kentucky

I really enjoy sifting through vintage Victorian ads. Obviously, I patterned this poster design after them. I started with the featured black and white illustration of the mother and daughter characters. The poster’s background is dressed in a “shabby chic wallpaper” pattern with the drab colors that were fashionable in that era.

My favorite feature of any good Victorian ad is the variety of fonts and dingbats in use. Artists seem to always use a dozen fonts in any given piece. It looks like the advertiser aimed to use as many fonts as possible in one space. These warped font styles often remind me of the circus. It’s as if the carnival barker pulled double duty and was also hired to design the poster layout. Both the teapot and pointing finger ornaments give the composition an old time “over the top” feel. Step right up!

Contact Me For Your Ladies Event Promotional Art

Are you hosting a retro event? Hire me today for your own Victorian Tea poster design!

Year of October concert poster art

Year of October | Nashville, TN

Year of October is a blues rock band based in Nashville, TN. I designed this 11×17″ concert poster art for a show with my band at the time Analog Apostles. The gig took place at the now defunct Natasha’s Bistro and Bar here in Lexington, KY. I had a lot of fun incorporating both of my passions, graphic design and music, into this composition.

Concert poster art design story

I themed the poster around a vintage Fender silverface tube guitar amp, which is similar to the 1978 Fender Twin Reverb I once owned. First of all, I replaced the Fender logo over the speaker grill cloth with the Apostles’ “A” insignia. I added a shiny chrome effect and embossed it to mimic the original element.

I also Photoshopped out the blue amp model name, and then replaced it with the words “Rockin’ Show” in a similar font. Guitar gearheads appreciated the attention to detail I added to this concert poster art.

As for the text, I used a sans serif font in turquoise for the band names, while choosing a fat script colored orange for the other information. The band name titles are colored similar to the amp name, and also use the same font. I “underlined” both bands’ names with sets of unrolled guitar cables. The orange script almost has a neon signage feel.

Finally, I overlaid a set of vacuum tubes on top of the amp schematic drawing in the background. I changed their colors to black and white to make the colors in the forefront pop. That is why these images come together to make the perfect background arrangement. I almost hid them in effect, but if you take the time to examine them, they really add to the whole package.

Contact me to design the poster for your next event

Do you have a big show coming up? You want to fill up the venue, right? Then you need concert poster art that stands out! Contact me today.