Dining Out for Life Ad Campaign Design

Dining Out for Life full page ad campaign design

AVOL / Lexington, KY

I created this ad campaign design for AVOL in Lexington, KY. It is a nonprofit which organizes AIDS volunteers. They loved the trade publication ads I made for them previously. Therefore, they contracted me for their biggest annual event campaign. For one day every September, local restaurants donate 25% of their proceeds to fighting AIDS. The organization needed a few different print sizes. These included an 11×17″ poster size and varying newspaper ad sizes, as well as bookmarks.

Ad campaign design story for AIDS benefit

Sandwich board sized poster design for the AIDS charity event

Sandwich board sized poster design for the AIDS charity event

My local chapter of the AIDS charity gave me creative freedom on this project. They only suggested a retro 1950s diner theme. They also sent a few public domain images to inspire me. These included the vintage waitress illustration I finally chose. I also redesigned their existing event logo with a new one which continued the theme.

After my instructions, I poured through old 1950s ad campaign designs for inspiration. Their futuristic floating shapes and pastel color palettes, as well as their kitschy mixed fonts made the cut.

I arranged these elements to suggest motion and give them a fun feeling overall. I did this by tilting text blocks and highlighting objects with different shades. A pink gradient gives shine to the restaurant and sponsor lists.

The ad pieces had many moving parts, from the list of participating restaurants to information about a related art exhibit. I got creative to ensure synergy and legibility from the biggest to smallest versions.

I met the challenge of making the ad art both attractive and easy to read. Also, I crushed the deadline in plenty of time for last minute revisions. My clients raved about the finished product.

Can I design your event’s advertising pieces?

I’ve improved the ad campaign design results of many charity nonprofits and small businesses. Contact me today to join the growing list. Let’s get started with your advertising campaign!